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In our busy lives and in a challenging world, it’s very easy to let things get you down. We all know that sinking feeling when we get an email from the bank or have to present ‘figures’ to our boss. Down, slightly nervous, maybe quite anxious.

Last week I was lucky enough to be in Madrid for an industry event. I travel a lot, but last week I just ‘wasn’t feeling it’. I love my home and I love my neighbours and friends in my small part of the UK. I didn’t want travel. I was cosy at home with the one I love, and she couldn’t travel with me.

Bah, drat & bum! – miserable as I checked-in late to my hotel, I got up to my room, and was confronted with a big, purple neon sign above the bed, that said ‘Oops’.

A simple thing, a very unexpected thing, incongruous some may think. Well, that hotel made my day, lifted my spirits and popped a smile on my face.

Well done them!

So to anyone feeling a bit lost and miserable, look for the joy in the simple, strange or unexpected things around you… I guarantee they are there, you just need to look.

Keep smiling, xxx